Title: Kirby's Cats
Image size: 24 x 30 in.
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
(Click on pic for larger view)
This is the rustic shop-by-the-sea that I've been wanting to paint for a long time... finally it's done! I have collected so many cat/nautical ideas to be thrown in here but finally just used less than half as I run out of space to place them!
I named this shop Capt. Kirby's and it has a website at www, but don't attempt to visit as it exists only in my painting!
They sell everything needed by the lobster catchers.
An eye-catching wood-carved watcher set high above the shop... a well-known landmark in this part of town.
Yes... we also sell boat paint! Any color can be mixed up in a jiffy.
The Master Wood-carver and family at work... creating more "Capt. Kirby" wooden figures, the shop's best seller.
True to Chinese proverb... colorful whirligigs in motion... bring in good feng shui to any garden.
A close-up pic of the stuffs on sale... antique buoys, oars, decoy, and other goodies for the collectors.
Enjoy and thanks for visiting my blog!