Monday, October 16, 2006



Image size: 24 x 30 in.

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas


The Lake Gabriel Boathouse Bed & Breakfast.
This place only exists in my imagination. Every day I thank God... I'm so blessed to be able to put on canvas images like this... to share with you what's on my mind... people, places, and situations you'd probably never see in the real world. Enjoy!

Click on the image for a bigger view and be sure to scroll down to see the details.
Thank you!

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Detail (Splish 'n Splash)

A close-up shot of the Lake Gabriel Boathouse Bed & Breakfast. Posted by Picasa

Detail (Splish 'n Splash)

A family with kids and their friends enjoying a dip in the lake.

After the swim, the pooch is all pooped out. Posted by Picasa

Detail (Splish 'n Splash)

Cottages in the quiet lakeside neighborhood. Posted by Picasa

Detail (Splish 'n Splash)

Kids on their sea serpent. Posted by Picasa

Detail (Splish 'n Splash)

A boat named Denise. Posted by Picasa

Detail (Splish 'n Splash)

Dad and son driving an inflatable boat.
Bassett's ears flapping in the wind.

Thank you for viewing my painting. Posted by Picasa